
ThistoolallowsyoutoeasilyaddcampaignparameterstoURLssoyoucanmeasureCustomCampaignsinGoogleAnalytics.,6天前—Customize,save,andshareyourdirectlinks.,ThistoolallowsyoutogenerateadirectdownloadlinktofilesyouhavestoredinGoogleDrive.Adirectlinkwillimmediatelystartdownloadingthefile, ...,YoucancreateyourURLsbyhandoryoucanuseaURLgenerator.Therearethreegenerators.BesuretousethecorrectURLgeneratorbecaus...

Campaign URL Builder

This tool allows you to easily add campaign parameters to URLs so you can measure Custom Campaigns in Google Analytics.

GDrive Direct Link Generator

6 天前 — Customize, save, and share your direct links.

Google Drive Direct Link Generator

This tool allows you to generate a direct download link to files you have stored in Google Drive. A direct link will immediately start downloading the file, ...

[UA] URL builders

You can create your URLs by hand or you can use a URL generator. There are three generators. Be sure to use the correct URL generator because the URLs to ...

Download Link Generator for Drive

Generate download links for files in a Drive™ folder.

Google Drive Direct Link Generator

Google Drive Direct Link Generator for Image, MP3 and Video Files. Enter a Google Drive sharing URL, for example, ...